The Joint Accreditation System of Australia & New Zealand (JASANZ) is the government-appointed accreditation body for certification and inspection bodies. The core role of JAS-ANZ accredited bodies is to assess whether a product, service, system or person satisfies the requirements specified in a documentary standard.
JAS-ANZ was established in 1991 and recognises 103 public and proprietary schemes in the areas of Business Processes and Improvement, Environment, Food Safety, and Health and Human Services.
www.jas-anz.orgThe National Association of Testing Authorities (NATA) is Australia’s national authority for assessing the competence and capability of organisations including laboratories, inspection bodies, proficiency testing scheme providers and reference material producers.
JAS-ANZ was established in 1991 and recognises 103 public and proprietary schemes in the areas of Business Processes and Improvement, Environment, Food Safety, and Health and Human Services.
The National Measurement Institute (NMI) is a division of the Commonwealth Department of Industry.
NMI is responsible for coordinating Australia’s national measurement system, establishing and maintaining Australia’s measurement standards and ensuring international recognition of these peak measurement standards, and for the regulation of trade measurement nationally.
NMI’s broad suite of measurement expertise is available to government, industry and the community through a wide variety of services delivered by their laboratories across Australia. Australia is recognised by the Australian Government as the peak nongovernment Standards body that is responsible for the development of voluntary standards in Australia.
Standards Australia develops internationally aligned Australian Standards® that deliver Net Benefit to Australia and is the Australian member of ISO and IEC.
Established in 1922, Standards Australia works with over 1,500 Committees to develop and maintain a catalogue of 7,000 Australian Standards across a range of sectors including health, manufacturing, communications, IT, agriculture, public safety, transport, building, construction, energy, education and consumer safety.